Sunday, June 24, 2012

Off to Mexico

My flight to Mérida leaves tomorrow at 12:34 PM. Am I nervous? Not yet, actually. I've been in Vegas since Thursday so it already feels like I'm on vacation. It's been great just hanging out with family and friends, especially my cousin David and his wife Kambria. We've accomplished a lot while I've been here, including hours of Super Smash Bros., eating lots of food, hiking on Mt. Charleston, night tennis, and more. My brain hasn't realized that tomorrow I leave on a much bigger trip. Here are some pics I found on the internet of Mérida, the city in Mexico that I'll be in for the next two months. 

View of the city. I really want to go climb those mountains.

Typical house interior in Mérida (I hope!). Apparently, they sleep in hammocks there. They say they're the best homemade hammocks in the world. I'm going to buy one and bring it home.

View from the beach in Progreso, about thirty minutes from where I'll be living. 

Well, there you go. I'll do my best to take better pictures than these when I get there. I know the language and culture shock will be rough at first but it'll work out. Those Mexicans won't know what hit them, especially if I get my Mexi-stache going again. Feel free to give me Mexico tips if you've ever had the chance to go down there. Hasta luego mis amigos.

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